Previous incidents
Increased Write Errors
Resolved Mar 14 at 07:32am UTC
The database restart is now complete and errors are now resolved.
1 previous update
Increased write errors
Resolved Mar 14 at 04:38am UTC
We're experiencing increased write errors in one of our main DBs. Replicase failover worked properly and read replicase are working as expected. We're monitoring the issue to provide resolution, and our engineering team will continue working on improving failover for write operations as well.
Issues with some projects
Resolved Mar 13 at 07:37pm UTC
Issue resolved and all services are available. Our engineering team will continue working on improving the failover and replication mechanism on this database as our top priority.
1 previous update
Increased database errors
Resolved Mar 13 at 03:52am UTC
Issue resolved and all services are available. Our engineering team will continue working on improving the failover and replication mechanism on this database as our top priority.
Issues with some projects
Resolved Mar 12 at 06:07am UTC
Issue has been resolved and all services are available. Our engineers are still reviewing the logs and monitors to to find the root cause of the problem and apply longer term fixes.
3 previous updates
Issues with some projects
Resolved Mar 11 at 02:34pm UTC
Issue has been resolved and all services are available. Our engineers are still reviewing the logs and monitors to to find the root cause of the problem and apply longer term fixes.
1 previous update
Issues with some projects
Resolved Mar 04 at 11:00pm UTC
Issue has been resolved and all services are available. Our engineers are still reviewing the logs and monitors to to find the root cause of the problem and apply longer term fixes.
3 previous updates
Issues with some projects
Resolved Mar 03 at 08:40pm UTC
Services have been restored. We will continue to monitor the platform
1 previous update
Issues with some projects
Resolved Mar 03 at 05:00pm UTC
Services are all online and functioning again. Thanks for your patience.
2 previous updates
Degraded performance
Resolved Mar 03 at 06:08am UTC
We're seeing an increase in errors for some projects on one of the Cloud databases. Our team is investigating the problem.
Degraded performance
Resolved Feb 24 at 07:25pm UTC
We're seeing an increase in errors for functions running on a custom domain. Our engineering team has detected the problem and is working on a fix.
Service Unavailability
Resolved Feb 21 at 06:08pm UTC
Service has been successfully restored.
2 previous updates
Degraded service for some projects
Resolved Feb 01 at 05:29am UTC
Our engineering team has completed applying the patch, and we can now confirm all services are back online for all users and projects
5 previous updates